
piklr — pickle, but cooler
Hi there, my name is Trinh Nguyen. I am in my final year as a CS undergrad student at Hanoi University of Science and Technology. Currently, I am working at a company that provides communication and streaming services based in Hanoi, Vietnam.


• Academic Achievement Scholarship, Fall 2023, Summer 2024
• Research Internship Scholarship in Taiwan, Summer 2024
• ERASMUS+ Exchange Scholarship in Germany, Summer 2022
• University Principal's Commendation Certificate for Outstanding Academic Achievement and Active Participation in Volunteer Activities 2021
• CGPA: 3.29/4.0


I have a strong background in computer science, especially in network programming and technologies related to media streaming protocols, such as HLS, WebRTC, RTSP/RTP; media codecs, such as G711, Opus, AAC; and media container formats, such as MPEGTS, MP3.

In my spare time, I enjoy exploring other niches of computer science that I might not be too familiar with. Recently, High Performance Computing (HPC) and Machine Learning compilers are the two topics that I am interested in.

Programming languages: C/C++/CUDA, Go, Python, and sometimes, Javascript.
Other technologies/tools: vim, tmux, docker, mongodb, sql.


microservice-demoDemonstration of microservices, with grpc and clean architecture (DDD)
placemark-hapiAPI for Travisor - a travel application
placemark-svelteFrontend for Travisor - a travel application
HomestayBEAPI for a homestay application
file-stationAn application for sharing files P2P
hardhat-nft-marketplaceA decentralised marketplace for NFTs


Coming soon..